Cardboard guitars — that’s where it began for Jack Johnson in grade school. Singing and ‘playing’ with other members of his band “The Buzzards” for classmates. Jack has been a musician for most of his life, including tours across the US and Canada with commercial rock bands “Earth Cry” and “Time Peace”.
Singer, Guitar and Piano performance. Primarily self taught. Jack had a few lessons on very basic guitar and piano. Took one semester (fall 1972) of Vocal performance and training under Vivian Tripp Wheeland, through Mott Community College, Flint MI. “Ah! mio cor” Handel aria and Black is the Color of my True Love’s Hair! Somehow from there he began to find his way around Led Zeppelin; “Since I’ve Been Lovin’ You”, taking on the vocals of Robert Plant and the guitar of Jimmy Page; learning to play “Talking Old Soldiers”, from Bernie Taupin and Elton John also released that year, in the rectory of a church, late night on an old upright piano – enjoying the gifts of variety of styles and genres. Jack loves pop music and would pick up melodies and partial lyrics, make up the rest and sing them for class in 4th grade. “Where Have All the Flowers Gone”, “Blowin’ in the Wind”, to “The Monster Mash” and “Popsicle and Icicles”, it didn’t matter. Girl songs, boy songs or protest songs. Of course, The Beatles were it in 1964, “Do You Want to Know a Secret”, and The Beach Boys, “Little Surfer”. All acapella – and air guitar.
Jack discovered that his wife, Tina, had a natural talent to harmonize and provide the extra depth in the vocals to some of his favorite songs. Vocal Harmony is the prize. Finding someone you can sing with is as tricky and rarified as finding your soulmate(s). Harmonies of the Beatles, Simon and Garfunkel, the Everyly Brothers, Crosby Still and Nash… it’s really all about the harmony signatures that touches something within that cannot be mistaken yet nearly impossible to define.
From The Beatles to Billy Joel; Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young to Simon and Garfunkel; Elton John to James Taylor and Carly Simon – the performances are fun, reflective, upbeat or surprising. Constantly rotating and adding new songs to their performances keeps things fresh. The recent addition of a medley arrangement of The Beatles Abbey Road has become a regularly requested cycle of song and one that is particularly enjoyed. 300 hundreds songs and counting, we continue to add. The latest, Rikki Don’t Lose That Number and Takin it to the Streets (resurrected from from touring 70’s) And While My Guitar Gently Weeps, and Mother Freedom, and yes, If I Had a Hammer!
Uniquely matched to each other, Jack and Tina bring their love of music and quality performance to every gig.
Contact: 206-450-8123 Jack
206-450-7861 Tina
Email Contact – Jack
Email Contact – Tina